Instadate Us

Are we in the golden age of apps?

Medium, svbtle, Twitter and to a certain extent facebook democratize distribution of info and increase the reach in a near zero cost model.

Coursera, code academy, tree house and udacity let anyone anywhere in the world take world class classes and learn at their own pace.

Whatsapp, telegram, line, viber, voxer, kakao talk and we chat lets you talk to your friends family anytime no matter where they are in the world. Snapchat lets you send images that disappear after they are viewed. Wut wut lets you post anonymish ephemeral push notifications to all your friends.

Check, mobilligy and intuit let you pay any bills instantly from your smart phone, they also alert you when bills are due. Billguard lets you review charges that have been made to your credit card and also dispute it on your behalf it you flag something questionable.

Instadate, tinder and the like let you find dates...

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